Announcement | Ohio | Opa's Blog | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River Announcing!! ByJames Carnahan
Dave Stoler | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River Wolf Creek this morning! A steady flow of sheen flowing at the confluence with the Tuscarawas river. ByJames Carnahan
Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River Thanks Dan Smith for the assist in replacing the Mud Run boom! Dave Stoler was downstream checking out the area we cleaned Friday and it is looking good. Been a busy few days and we are feeling accomplished! ByJames Carnahan
Dave Stoler | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River Mother Nature reminded us who is boss last night! ByJames Carnahan
Dave Stoler | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River Ever wonder what Dave and Opa do for fun on a Friday Morning? Just glad you can’t hear the conversation!🤣. Thanks for the video Debbie! ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Opa's Blog | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River Exciting day today for the ‘RiverKeepers’! ByOmawalks
Barberton | Opa's Blog | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River March 8, Dave and I are out taking measurements for the deployment of our first surface trash boom! ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River March 7th update on where things stand right now ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River Standing where there was some work being done yesterday and assume this is where the “spill” occurred. ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River March 2nd, 2024…Here we go again! ByJames Carnahan
Oil Spill | Opa's Blog | Riverkeepers Ohio | Tuscarawas River It is pretty sweet when you run into someone who has the same passion for our waterways and applies it in his profession. Thanks Ty for sharing! See you out on the water later this year! ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Dave Stoler | Tuscarawas River November 18th and another day of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River Lest we forget! November 4, Day 123 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River October 24, 2023. Another day of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Opa's Blog | Tuscarawas River Went down to the Tuscarawas for a look see and met Joe here. ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Dave Stoler | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River October 13, DAY 100 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Tuscarawas River October 10. Allow me to clarify something from yesterday. I was not trying to say the hose is the source of pollutants in Mud Run. ByJames Carnahan