Barberton | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River Why this won’t work. July 9, 2023August 18, 2023 To read all about the Disaster on the Tuscarawas, you can read the whole story from the beginning starting here.
Akron | Dave Stoler | Opa's Blog | Riverkeepers Ohio | Summit Lake First Surface Trash Boom installed! ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Dave Stoler | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River October 13, DAY 100 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River September 14, Day 72 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Tuscarawas River October 6 and another day of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas. Pictured is the point at which Mud Run “dumps” its garbage into the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan