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Earlier in the week I noticed what looked like an oil slick on the Tusc just down stream of the Wolf Creek Trailhead and reported it.

NOTE: Today’s blog begins the first of many on the coverage of this major oil spill that I reported two days prior, at my favorite fishing spot on the Tuscarawas River, starting at the Wolf Creek Trailhead in Barberton, OH.  

On July 8, 2023 early in the morning, I headed out to the river, with plans of fishing and taking photos of the beauty around me so I could share with my followers. Instead of beauty, I was met with horror! There was OIL EVERYWHERE!! As the events unfolded, I learned that the oil discovery I called in days prior was actually a major oil spill that appeared to be something officials were covering up.  

If you’re a regular visitor to my site, you’ll see that my blog has been temporally taken over by daily photos and videos of this disaster that have been tagged  #disasteronthetuscarawas.  I hope you will continue to follow and discover the damage that an oil spill can do even after the clean up.  I won’t forget to show you the beauty, as nature is always surprising us even in the midst of a storm.  – Opa. 

Disaster on the Tuscarawas River

Looks like they (I don’t know who they are) put in a boom to capture it. Today I am going downstream from there trying to fish and find oil EVERYWHERE! I have waded about a mile and there isn’t any sign of abatement. The grasses are choked with oil, an oil sheen everywhere, pools of oil on the banks and there are two geese that are almost unrecognizable as they are completely covered in oil.

How about we take it a step further than dropping a boom on the water close to the source. How about a cleanup, announcement and investigation into what the hell happened and why we are just letting it run its course.

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