Dave Stoler | Fly Fishing Not a huge fish but a memorable one as I spent the morning on the river with a Good Man. Thanks for sharing! As is tradition among fishermen, there is a, “the one that got away” story but I will let Dave share that one! August 20, 2022August 25, 2022
Cuyahoga River | Fly Fishing May not look it but, river is blown out from yesterday’s storms so back home for a day of chores. ByJames Carnahan
Fly Fishing Surprize, surprize (NOT! 😂🤣) Just pass 6:30am this morning and Opa Runs was headed out to try out his new Orvis fly fishing rod! ByJames Carnahan
Akron | Morning Run | Portage Lakes Always something beautiful to experience on the runs. ByJames Carnahan
Opa's Blog What #oparuns does on cold, snowy winter storm days… he makes these cute little bugs in his room. 🤣 ByOmawalks