
July 15, Day 10 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas

Long video. Floated from where the oil entered the river to and past the last boom at Center road. Where there is still oil. What the crews have and are doing. What it looks like down stream of Center road to Clinton and of course my thoughts. Having surveyed the entire 4ish miles of river from the source to Center road, I would say that a significant quantity of oil was spilled and much of it has been collected by the crews. With that said, there is still work to do, let’s hope for rain!

Storm sewer source of oil into the river.

Ivy pool

Van Buren Bridge

Hitch hiker!

Willow tree

How much oil do I think was spilled? “a shit ton”

What happens if it doesn’t rain?

Too thick to move

I want my Tuscarawas back

To read all about the Disaster on the Tuscarawas, you can read the whole story from the beginning starting here.

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