
It is the morning before.

Eagle Up Ultra
parking lot

Only a few of the runners are here but the place will fill to overflowing by afternoon. This picture reflects a little of where ones mind goes on these events around mile 30, lonely, dark, quiet. What this doesn’t show is the heart and soul of every runner out there, the Team. From the Crew-chief , the crew, the pacers and the people following the craziness. We can Not do this at any level without you! I have to thank you all now because soon my mind will be in this place and I will forget to do that. I love you ALL. Thank you a thousand times over for me being able to do this! I measure success not as winning or even finishing, it is the fact that I have so many friends. (There are those who watch like it is NASCAR and don’t care who wins, they are just waiting for the wreck! 🤣. We will do our best to stay out of the wall!

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