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August 26, Day 52 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas

Van Buren II. Still signs of oil, even down here. In no way is this cleaner than when the oil spill occurred as they proclaimed. Shame on those who will not even acknowledge us in our want to clean up our river.

Everything ends in the river if we don’t pick it up. In The small communities I grew up in, we, to include businesses, cleaned up to the middle of the street we lived on daily. It was just part of our day. We could be a model for the whole of Ohio if we could adopt this attitude.

The canal parallels the Tuscarawas for many miles and is another source of trash. The down tree in the video acts as a natural boom to concentrate a lot of trash for us to grab! Accessible strategic booms would help in so many areas!

To read all about the Disaster on the Tuscarawas, you can read the whole story from the beginning starting here

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