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13 July, Day 8, The Disaster on the Tuscarawas

Floating the river today and here is what we see. I will upload short videos starting with the origination point (storm drain) down to the second Van Buren bridge where they have the vacuum truck positioned. What I see and what they are doing along with some thoughts. I will just number the posts starting here with 1. some videos may seem repetitive but “they” are watching and this shows where we still have some issues. There are 24 videos. #disasteronthetuscarawas

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

Video 7

Video 8

Video 9

Video 10

Video 11

Video 12

Video 13

Video 14

Video 15

Video 16

Video 17

Video 18

Video 19

Video 20

Video 21

Video 22

Video 23

Video 24

To read all about the Disaster on the Tuscarawas, you can read the whole story from the beginning starting here.

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