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Wolf Creek this morning! A steady flow of sheen flowing at the confluence with the Tuscarawas river.

Dave noted it before I arrived and we watched for a few minutes. We looked upstream for a possible source but with such limited access to the water in this section, we found nothing. We did make a report to the OEPA. Will post with any follow-up.

Update: 3 June 4pm, OEPA has contacted me and will visit the site.

Update: 4 June 11am, I went by there this morning and saw no sign of sheen. The OEPA called me and stated that they saw no sign of sheen and could find no evidence of the source. Based on what we showed the OEPA with photo, video and discussion, it was most likely something like an oil filter dumped with residue causing the spotty sheen. They did walk the area.

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