Fly Fishing Who knew she was eating wollybuggers today?! 33”. Took me into my backing twice and almost again on her last run. Only taker of the day but a pretty good day none the less! May 13, 2023May 18, 2023
Opa's Blog What #oparuns does on cold, snowy winter storm days… he makes these cute little bugs in his room. 🤣 ByOmawalks
Fly Fishing See a pod of three feeders, target the bigger of them and get her to eat my Wollybugger. The fight is on until the net then, gently lay her down to remove the hook and a quick photo and back she goes! Pretty good day if I do say! ByJames Carnahan
Fly Fishing Managed to get in some fishing today. Several bass, pounders and a couple 3 but this one almost tipped the scales at 11. Can anyone top this? ByJames Carnahan