Dave Stoler | Mud Run | Riverkeepers Ohio | Summit Lake | Wendy Hagen Sunday Funday on Mud Run with Dave and Wendy. June 2, 2024June 4, 2024 I blame our conversation on the water!. We cleaned booms, 6 bags here 1 from Summit, did some boom maintenance and discussed new booms to install.
Akron | Ohio | Riverkeepers Ohio Thanks for the assist Debbie! We managed to get the booms re-attached at Mud Run and get 4 bags, a tire and wheel at close to 100 lbs of trash out, thanks City of Akron for working with us to haul this away! ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Dave Stoler | Tuscarawas River October 8th and the trash continues to build up just waiting for the opportunity make it’s way into the Tuscarawas in the background ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River September 6, Day 63 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Dave Stoler | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River September 17, Day 75 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Dave Stoler | Opa's Blog | Riverkeepers Ohio | Wendy Hagen Cheers to Wendy Hagen Dave Stoler and Opa Runs aka ‘The RiverKeepers’ ! ByOmawalks