Akron | Ohio | Riverkeepers Ohio | Summit Lake Summit Lake. Thanks Michael for the last minute assist at the booms today. Much appreciated! Your prize? Why that fine rod and about three bags and 45 pounds of trash! April 1, 2024May 14, 2024
Barberton | Dave Stoler | Tuscarawas River Fun out on the canal today, if a little cool, picking up some trash ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Sherry Carnahan | Tuscarawas River September 5, Day 62 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Ohio | Opa's Blog Sunrise Miles. Look close at the cluster of blooms. Specifically the yellow and red right above the two reds. ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Dave Stoler | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River September 20, Day 78 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan