Fly Fishing See a pod of three feeders, target the bigger of them and get her to eat my Wollybugger. The fight is on until the net then, gently lay her down to remove the hook and a quick photo and back she goes! Pretty good day if I do say! April 15, 2023April 21, 2023
Opa's Blog What #oparuns does on cold, snowy winter storm days… he makes these cute little bugs in his room. 🤣 ByOmawalks
Cuyahoga River | Fly Fishing May not look it but, river is blown out from yesterday’s storms so back home for a day of chores. ByJames Carnahan
Fly Fishing | Sherry Carnahan First time at the bench for many many years. Hundred more or so and I should get my groove back. Thanks, Sherry ByJames Carnahan