Morning Run | Munroe Falls | Munroe Falls Park | Parks | Trail I would say a good run today… ByJames Carnahan
Ohio | Opa's Blog Sunrise Miles. Look close at the cluster of blooms. Specifically the yellow and red right above the two reds. ByJames Carnahan
Akron | Ohio | Riverkeepers Ohio Thanks for the assist Debbie! We managed to get the booms re-attached at Mud Run and get 4 bags, a tire and wheel at close to 100 lbs of trash out, thanks City of Akron for working with us to haul this away! ByJames Carnahan
Akron | Ohio | Riverkeepers Ohio | Summit Lake Summit Lake. Thanks Michael for the last minute assist at the booms today. Much appreciated! Your prize? Why that fine rod and about three bags and 45 pounds of trash! ByJames Carnahan