Barberton | Morning Run | Towpath My morning view of the Kenmore/Barberton border. July 12, 2018April 16, 2019
Runner's Journey James had his followup appointment for his heart❤️. Things look good and he is able to get off one med and reduce another. The goal is to get off all completely very soon. Oh and the doctor said his ultra running is actually helping the heart! 😱 Say What!? 🐵🙉🙈🙊. ByOmawalks
Camp Manatoc Oh look, a whole herd of Runnusalotus. They are a rare breed that should be kept at a distance. The disease they carry is not something to toy with! ByJames Carnahan
Canal Fulton | Kenmore | Morning Run | Towpath Long run today. This is what greeted me when I walked out my door this morning! ByJames Carnahan