Dave Stoler | Mud Run | Riverkeepers Ohio Earth Day! Dave and I back to our old haunts cleaning up the area downstream of our booms on Mud Run. ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River September 18, Day 76 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Barberton | Oil Spill | Tuscarawas River September 16, Day 74 of the Disaster on the Tuscarawas ByJames Carnahan
Opa's Blog | Riverkeepers Ohio What in the world are we up to now?!😉. Stay tuned and see how this pile turns into cleaning up a waterway near you! ByJames Carnahan
Akron | Ohio | Riverkeepers Ohio | Summit Lake One of the design features of our booms that ODNR likes is when there is very high water, they break away so as not to impede flow. ByJames Carnahan
Mud Run | Riverkeepers Ohio Because the first two pictures look like they do, the third picture looks like it does! This is Mud Run following some heavy rains yesterday! ByJames Carnahan