Mohican State Forest. | Morning Run Just love running here in Mohican! February 18, 2017January 12, 2023 The start Gotta know this twisting, rolling path will lead to great things, and here we are! View from the top of a long climb And more up… Just had to go up the hill and check it out And out of the browns and grays comes…. Love the colors Imagine being about 6″ tall and this were your view This entire section was serene. So calming That is our Motorhome down there. Looks like a giant grub coming out of the ground! Well, what have we here? A gnome aid station out in the middle of no where! With just a little imagination, you can see the ancient glacial waters. Hard to believe it fell in that direction and not over the edge. With lots of people out on the trail (and yelling their conversations) this is proof that there is life out here beyond us. I knocked on the door but they didn’t answer, I know they are home, I saw a light!
Kenmore | Morning Run | Towpath When you are running along and The Voice says, “Stop”…this is what you see. ByJames Carnahan