Kenmore | Morning Run | Towpath When you are running along and The Voice says, “Stop”…this is what you see. ByJames Carnahan
Kenmore | Morning Run | Towpath Looking here I think of our chiropractor and ask, “is this a nightmare or a challenge?” ByJames Carnahan
Kenmore | Morning Run | Opa's Blog | Towpath Feeling blessed I was allowed to be this close ByJames Carnahan
Cuyahoga Valley National Park | Morning Run | Virgina Kendall Good Virginia Kendall Morning! ByJames Carnahan
Dr. Murphy | Norton Today James and I would like to highlight another small business that is being affected by the Covid-19 lockdown. ByJames Carnahan
Morning Run | Summit Lake This Grandfather Tree split and fell a couple years ago, now look what he has become! ByJames Carnahan