Riverkeepers Ohio | Summit Lake Dave and I went for a walk around Summit Lake this morning to discuss the past year and some plans for next year as it relates to RiverKeepers Ohio and this pair of Bald Eagles joined our discussion to add a little motivation to our efforts. December 19, 2024December 19, 2024
Ohio | Riverkeepers Ohio Opa Runs sporting some #Riverkeepersohio swag yesterday before a meeting with some officials about putting a new boom in the river! How do you like the new logo? ByOmawalks
Riverkeepers Ohio | Summit Lake | Summit Lake Welcome our newest #riverkeepersohio member Grant! We hit the booms at Summit Lake and picked up a bag from the towpath. He earned his reward and shirt!!! ByJames Carnahan
Mud Run | Ohio | Riverkeepers Ohio | Summit Lake Debbie and I cleaned out the booms at Summit Lake and Mud Run ByJames Carnahan