Boettler Park | Kenmore | Salt Wells | Towpath | Virgina Kendall Sights from last week ByJames Carnahan
Kenmore | Morning Run | Towpath Even when your body won’t let you do the crazy miles it used to, still have to get out for what it will let you do because every day has views like this. ByJames Carnahan
Kenmore | Morning Run | Opa's Blog | Towpath Feeling blessed I was allowed to be this close ByJames Carnahan
Kenmore | Morning Run | Opa's Blog | Towpath These are some of my excuses for a break 😂 ByJames Carnahan
Kenmore | Morning Run | Towpath For my morning run today, James took me on a tour of the route he likes to take on some of his long runs. ByOmawalks
Kenmore | Morning Run | Towpath Spent the last Sunday morning run with some of my favorite running partners. ByJames Carnahan