Opa's Blog Blow it up, look with your mind and imagination, see what you can see. October 22, 2022November 7, 2022
Opa's Blog | Towpath Tonight James and I went on a destination bike ride along the towpath/canal to dinner at The Remarkable Diner. Little did we know that on the way home James would be rescuing a snapping turtle from two young boys who thought this big turtle would be cool to catch. ByOmawalks
Opa's Blog | Riverkeepers Ohio For his birthday, one of the things Opa Runs wanted to do was clean the river, now that is dedication … Or crazy! 🤣😂 Brrr! It’s cold out there! 🥶 ByOmawalks
Nesmith Lake | Opa's Blog Some mornings ya just hafta focus on what is right on your nose and not get distracted by all the distractions ByJames Carnahan